
The Uber game

Things under the ‘gig economy’ (or within platform capitalism) change very rapidly, and I do not know to what extent the parameters of the game created by the Financial Times about Uber are still sound. I guess that by and large conditions of gig workers have not improved, although everywhere in US and EU, single States are trying to better regulate, in a way or another (e.g. California passes Ab5 act; ruling of Employment Appeal Tribunal in UK), platform’s management of their workers and the rights/conditions they provide them with.

It is interesting enough, though, to try out and experience a typical working week of an Uber driver.

Can you make it in the Gig Economy?

…I cannot.

Commons and P2P – A structured bibliography

Peer-to-Peer Foundation (Ira Mollay and Michel Bauwens, in particular) has finalized a structured bibliography focusing on Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and the Commons.

A very valuable and interesting resource for anyone interested and/or working on commons. It includes nearly 500 items (peer-reviewed articles) clustered along 6 chapters.

Structured Bibliography on P2P and the Commons.

Switching social

Often we complain about Facebook, Google, YouTube and other platforms, and even more often people believe that everybody keeps using them, because there are no valid alternatives.

That is not true, and here at Switching Social they have collected a thorough list of alternatives to the most used and renowned social media/platforms. As clarified in their FAQ: these alternatives, while not perfect, have a much better configuration or design with regards to users’ privacy and the underlying ‘business models’ (steering clear from typical venture capitalist ones).

The list also exist in French, Italian, German, and Turkish.

Event – The Long Now of the Commons – 17th October 2019

My current project is soon coming to an end, and during the last few weeks, I have been busy organizing a final outreach event that relates to it. Only small details remain to be sorted out now. The large bulk of work has been done, and I am fairly sure that with all the diverse contributions hosted during the event we will have a very interesting day.

Here, you can find more information on:

The Long Now of the Commons – People, Infrastructures and Dilemmas

17th October 2019, 9.00-16.30, IT University of Copenhagen

The event will gather contributions by internationally renowned researchers and practitioners experts in the topic. Attendance is free and open to anyone interested.

If you plan to attend, please remember to register on eventbrite.

Treedom platform

Yesterday, I stumbled upon Treedom for the first time (despite existing since 2010). An Italian platform/project addressing reforestation work in a sustainable and ethical way.

Treedom allows you to choose a type of tree and pick a few locations worldwide where to plant it in. Local farmers are then enrolled and paid via the platform to take care of planting the trees, which are geo-tagged and monitored via the platform.

They also have a wealth of information and side projects revolving around CO2 emission, sustainable development goals and the like.

A very interesting commoning project/platform.