Podcast launched! Commoning Design & Designing Commons

It is with pleasure that me, Joanna Saad-Sulonen, and Sanna-Maria Marttila have finally managed to launch the podcast: commoning design & designing commons. (available in all major podcasting platforms)

We have in stock quite a few conversations with very interesting people and we hope you’ll join listening and providing your feedback along our journey!

For info and more updates on the podcast project….click here.

A.I. and job applications

This report published by Bavarian Broadcasting shows quite clearly how ‘decision support systems’ based on artificial intelligence (AI) can be far less objective than expected.

Webpage screenshot showing different scaled results for the same person's interview, but with different backgrounds
Different background, different result, but same person.

The report investigates the question of whether or not AI can make the selection process of candidates more objective and faster. Admittedly, it does not say much about the ‘speed’ of the process, but it sheds light on how easy it is to tweak its results around. A scarf, a pair of glasses, or a library background clearly alter the result scores of the algorithm.

The study adopts an AI system and algorithm designed and developed by a German start-up, and it is measured against the OCEAN Model for personality traits.

Troll factory – simulate your troll’s network

Months ago I found this game/simulation: Troll Factory. Produced by Yle & Yle News Lab to promote awareness on how fake news factories work by relying on bots, misinformation, and levering on emotions, fears, and stereotypes.

The specific theme of the web game/simulation is around immigration, and it uses examples of authentic social media content. The theme of the game was chosen by Yle based on background research their data shows that anti-immigration material is circulating widely in Europe, North America and Asia. Continuing information operations around immigration using fake news, internet memes and the polarization of public discourse are systematic and organized.

This very well resembles, or at least sheds some light on, La Bestia (The Beast) di M. Salvini italian far-right/populist ‘politician’. As it was also explained on this video/inquiry (only in Italian): https://youtu.be/fkCNU1Rtqws

La Bestia di Salvini has had a lot of traction during the last 4-5 years (2015-2019), in particular during the years when Lega and Salvini entered government and could rely on both visibility and easier (and according to some unlawful) access to public funding, as well as on the perceived, yet non-existing, ’emergency’ of migrants’ invasion on Italian coasts.

Here a couple of articles (in Italian) focusing on La Bestia:

1- Da Facebook a Twitter. La task force del “capitano” detta l’agenda del web

2- La propaganda social di Matteo Salvini ora la paghi tu: e ci costa mille euro al giorno

Stuff in space

An interesting, and at the same time irritating, visualization of stuff gravitating around our planet. Much of this stuff consists of actual functioning satellites, but as you can see, most of it is just debris and pieces of rockets.

Stuff in space

Stuff in Space is a realtime 3D map of objects in Earth orbit, visualized using WebGL. The website updates daily with orbit data from Space-Track.org and uses the excellent satellite.js Javascript library to calculate satellite positions.

This reminds me of both the Story of Stuff project/movie and of Musk’s car thrown into space just for the sake of it.

By SpaceX – Falcon Heavy Demo Mission, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=66235862