Interest group on commons/-ing at ITU, Copenhagen

In connection with my work on the ISSP project and with the help of colleague Joanna Saad-Sulonen, during the last months we activated an informal interest group around the topic of commons and commoning. While based (for practical logistic reasons) at IT University of Copenhagen, the group is open to anyone. The main goal of the group is to provide a venue for students, scholars, and practitioners to gather together and exchange ideas, ongoing works, collaboration, or simply to know more about commons and commoning.

The main activity through which the group has operated during spring 2019 has been that of a monthly reading group. Here, we spanned the vast literature around commons that exist in fields ranging from social sciences, economics, computer science, participatory design, urban planning, and more, in order to find interesting and provoking texts to read and discussed together. Students, researchers, junior and senior scholars has attended the meetings at ITU and when possible also joined remotely over video conferencing systems.

The group is currently on hold for the summer break, but we have already started brainstorming on the possible activities for the next term, and we will resume very soon with similar activities.

If you are interested, you can read a bit more about it on the Interest Group blog.

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